Money & Fear
Understanding the Fear:
We evolved so that our behaviour protected us. We are wired to feel the pain of loss and threat, more profoundly than the pleasure of gain. This has its’ origins in the neolithic period and remains with us today.
For example, women will remember a time at a restaurant when, after a few drinks nature called. So what happened next? ‘I’m going to the bathroom. Do any of you gals want to come with me?’ Women in cavemen days likely peed together for safety reasons, as it provided mutual protection against potential threats while feeling vulnerable.
We are hard-wired to be wary of anything potentially dangerous or unfamiliar to us. This innate behaviour can impact our financial decisions that can seem very scary, as we focus on the potential negative outcomes.
Here are the top money fears clients see me to resolve;
- Fear of Financial Ruin: This is the most common fear, often stemming from past experiences or familial money patterns.
- Fear of Debt: The constant worry about owing money can be overwhelming and causes huge stress.
- Fear of Losing Money: Lack of self-trust in their decision-making process around money.
- Fear of Making Financial Mistakes: The belief that any financial decision could lead to disaster.
Understanding is Power:
Self-reflection is awesome!! Ask the following questions;
Why do I procrastinate, feel stuck, feel shame, feel hopeless around money?
What is the origin of these behaviours?
Do you recognise a money behaviour that no longer serves you? These fears probably came from someone else and don’t even belong to you.
This leads us into the Rules of the Mind.
‘The mind doesn’t like what is unfamiliar & will redirect us to what is familiar’
‘The mind moves us away from pain to pleasure’
‘Whatever you focus on you get more of’
‘The strongest force in all of us is that we must act in a way that consistently matches our thinking’
The rules of the mind explain how the mind works, and since our minds have control over both our emotions and our bodies, once we understand how the mind works, we can then use our minds to directly influence our emotions and bodies.
Change your mind, change your Life!
Change your money story:
- Recognise negative thoughts and fears about money and challenge them.
- Educate yourself, get excited about money literacy.
- Become familiar with money basics, concepts, and strategies.
- Becoming competent creates confidence.
- Set yourself up for success. One small step at a time.
- Set goals, ‘What do you really, really want?’
- Start thinking positively about your money and experience a change in your perception of money.
- Fears and phobias can be resolved.
The most common quote women say to me, ‘I wish I started investing earlier!
Self-Knowledge is awesome:
- When you are triggered by a fear relating to money what happens in your body? Triggers are the signposts that something needs to be attended to.
- What works to calm the debilitating behaviour? Is it meditation, exercise, walks along the beach, deep breathing? Determine what works for you and do it!
- If your anxiety is overwhelming, consider therapy or counselling.
- Gratitude is a financial game changer.
- Talk about money and share your experiences. Join an online community and learn from others who have faced similar challenges.
- Focus on the areas you can control, like your money attitude, financial literacy, and money blocks.
- Be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. This not only reinforces positive financial behaviours but more importantly demonstrates that.
‘You are Worth It!!’
💬 Have questions? Email me directly or book your free Discovery Call to start a conversation about your goals.
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