Earning good income but you have a credit card debt. You’ve reached you ‘million dollar’ goal but still feel unhappy. Too fearful to start investing your savings. Do you ever feel you get in your own way? Don’t have the time or the energy to deal with money!

You see, it is not simply about the money

Behaviours are driven by beliefs. Negative beliefs create Money Blocks, the consequence of an unhealthy relationship with money is observable in your life.

My Role

My job, my skill, my drive is to work with women like you that desire change to their ‘Money Story.’ To gain confidence, competence and trust the decisions you make around money. To become educated investors.

The process identifies your knowledge gaps, skills gaps and to also challenge any barriers to abundance by clearing out limiting money beliefs. This process of bringing together these three elements is unique.

Financial Empowerment is a journey, and I am committed to guiding you every step of the way.

Who wants to spend a lifetime sorting their money story out?

Answer the 6 questions below to gain insight and clarity around the money issues holding you back. Financial empowerment is one decision away. Work with me and get your financial future sorted.

🐚 What are your issues around money?

🐚 What is your biggest worry about money in your life right now?

🐚 How is this impacting you, day to day?

🐚 What have you tried before to resolve this?

🐚 What has prevented you from making this change before?

🐚 How committed are you to making a change?

Work with me and get your financial future sorted


It begins with a Discovery Call.

We touch base for a 30 minute Zoom or phone call to establish three things

🐚 Can we work together?

🐚 What is your story? I gain clarity about what needs to be attend to.

🐚 Your willingness to make those changes and your unwillingness to remain in the status quo.

Then the Transformation.

We allow for a two hour session. We do great detective work to expose, identify and reprogram the ‘Root Cause’ of your outdated beliefs. We then work together to rapidly reprogram them at the subconscious level.

Without the ‘Root Cause’ of the issue being dealt with, only the symptoms are ever addressed.

Then we wire it in.

A personalised Transformational Audio is created to rewire and recode the subconscious for fast, effective and long-term change. Profound new learning comes from repetition. A bespoke Transformational Audio for you to listen to for 21 days, plus my follow up will assist you integrate your new beliefs into your transformed life. The purpose of our session is to make the changes and create new pathways; and then the audio is used to wire in, fire in and lock in those changes.

Book in now, your future self will thank you.

When will I see results?

Results after just one session can be either Immediate, Cumulative or Retro-Active:

Immediate: You will notice a change straight after your first session

Cumulative: You will notice incremental change over a period of weeks up to three months

Retro-Active: You look back after some time and realise you don’t really have an issue anymore

Depending on the issue, many clients experience transformation in a single session.

While most situations can be resolved in one session, sometimes there are multiple issues resulting in multiple layers. In this instance the issues are prioritised and dealt with over several sessions.

New money outcomes for you, start here!


Who Can benefit?

People from all walks of life with a wide range of issues can experience transformation.

  • 🐚 Money Blocks

    🐚 Lack of Confidence or Self Worth

    🐚 Anxiety

    🐚 Love Blocks

  • 🐚 Depression

    🐚 Weight Control

    🐚 Addictions

    🐚 Phobias

  • 🐚 Negative Habits

    🐚 Insomia

    🐚 Imposter syndrome

    and many more...

You can make life changes starting today!